We understand how difficult it can be for veterans to access the benefits and services they have earned. With so many different resources and the red tape of bureaucracy, it’s easy to get confused and feel lost. Case managers help connect veterans with the right resources to help them live healthy lives and achieve their goals.
Case Management

Benefits counseling services ensure that veterans and their families take full advantage of all government-provided benefits available. Counseling services range from filing applications for federal disability compensation, pensions, education benefits, and insurance, to enrollment in VA health care. This type of counseling also includes accessing state-level benefits like education and targeted annuity programs, as well as making referrals to state agencies that provide veteran-targeted programs in areas such as employment, home ownership, property tax exemption, motor vehicle registration, substance abuse services, and mental health resources.
Benefits Counseling Services

Waypoint provides a full range of employment services and offers one-on-one assistance with job applicants, resume preparation, job coaching and pathways to overcome employment barriers, helps employers find qualified veteran job applicants, as well as other intensive services. Intensive services are offered to disabled veterans and veterans with barriers to employment, including but not limited to homeless, economically or educationally disadvantaged veterans with other barriers to employment.
Employment Resources and Services

As troops are coming home, thousands of military service members, veterans and their families must tend to the psychological wounds of battle for years to come. Mental health disorders, signature injuries of the war, affect one in five active duty service members and are the most common cause of hospitalization. Too often, once a war is over, the mental health needs of those who have served are forgotten. We are here to help break that cycle.
Behavioral Health Treatment

Readjustment Counseling Services refers to therapy and counseling services provided to address mental health and chemical dependency needs of veterans. On and off -site licensed staff provide clinical services including creative arts therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy and general readjustment counseling. Services are designed to complement, not duplicate, other quality community-based resources available to veterans and their families throughout the broader continuum of care. While some therapies are provided in house, other needs are met through referrals to outside agencies or the VA.
Readjustment Counseling

Low- or no-cost legal services help veteran families address a range of legal issues includingemployment, child support, guardianship, and eviction. Legal services are provided through partnerships with community legal aid organizations, volunteer hours from attorney associations, or from in-house qualified staff.
Legal Services

Financial Counseling and Coaching Services connect veterans with experts trained to help families manage their finances and access community resources related to financial stability. Services include income tax preparation assistance, financial literacy education and assistance in asset building, match veterans and families with trained financial coaches who provide confidential, one-on-one money management education and guidance designed to help them gain and maintain self-sufficiency.
Financial Counseling and Coaching

Education services support veterans and family members in taking full advantage of rducational resources. Assistance includes help filing education benefit applications, exploringcareer goals, selecting appropriate colleges and majors, financial aid planning, and supporting the transition to college.
Education Resources and Services

Housing services run the gamut from emergency shelter through transitional, supportive, and independent living housing options. WayPoint provides supportive services to Veteran families living in or transitioning to permanent housing. The Sanctuary will provide eligible veteran families with outreach, case management, and assistance in obtaining VA and other mainstream benefits that promote housing stability and community integration. Emergency services such as personal hygiene kits, financial crisis assistance, food, clothing, and health care referrals can also help to meet acute needs.
Housing and Emergency Services

Veterans can sometimes run into issues with law enforcement and the criminal justice system resulting in incarceration. It is important that justice-involved Veterans are familiar with VA benefits including what VA benefits they may still eligible to receive, what happens to the VA benefits they are already receiving if they become incarcerated, and what programs are available to assist them with reintegrating back into the community once released from incarceration.
Incarcerated Veterans